The Chaos of Technology

Tornado tech chaosThe mantra and method of our firm is to perform marketing based on common sense. Knowing what tactics work for different markets & target audiences in the real world. The explosion of technology over the last five years has made this increasingly difficult. Google recently invested $17 million in mobile advertising technology for 2014, so it’s not anything that’s going away. There are more tools to reach audiences, and more ways for them to avoid you. As marketing consultants it’s our role more than ever to serve as brand arbiter and decision maker on the digital tools to use. I-pads, droids, apps, Facebook feeds, Instagram, LinkedIn product pages, mobile ads, re-marketing, Yelp, Candy Crush, Whatsapp… what? Huh?!?

So what’s the key to navigating all the new digital and interactive marketing tools? There are three main factors to keep in mind, regardless of whether it’s consumer or B2B marketing.

  1. Relevancy – Know the audience. Is the technology/marketing tool relevant and used by your target audience? This is where using a marketing firm for research and analysis comes in handy. In 2014, more people will use their smartphone to make purchases than a desktop computer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need advertising space on a retail website. Learn the facts of what your customers and prospects are actually using.
  2. Is it Intrusive? – Know the media. Along with knowing what technology is relevant, you need to make sure your method and message is welcomed. It used to be easy to send e-blasts to an opt-in list of customers. Now you must pick from a multitude of marketing tools to find a balance of a welcomed message vs. burnout. Do people really want to see your logo while playing Angry Birds? Is your re-marketed message informative when they check their Yahoo inbox? Careful creative execution and media planning come into play to avoid intrusion and negative reaction.
  3. Trusted Connection – Know the message. Don’t forget about the human element. You want your audience to view you as a trusted source and category leader. If you break the first two rules your audience won’t see you that way. But if accomplish the first two, communication can still break down if you don’t approach them with a human touch and sensibility. Provide valuable information and supply your target with a mode of response and continued engagement. The value of new technology is the real-time communication and cross-media integration.

Navigating new technology can be overwhelming. As with anything, knowledge is king. Utilizing the proper research and focusing on these key areas will help you formulate a plan with the right marketing tools.